4 Important Reasons to Save a Damaged Tooth

4 Important Reasons to Save a Damaged Tooth

If you have a damaged tooth, you may think having it extracted is the best solution. But there are compelling reasons to save and preserve your natural tooth. 

Our endodontic team at the private practice of Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, in Butte, Montana, specializes in helping patients with damaged teeth maintain a healthy smile. Keep reading to learn four reasons for preserving your teeth and the ways we can help.

1. A healthy, natural smile

One of the most obvious reasons to save a damaged tooth is to maintain a natural appearance and a healthy smile. Your teeth play a significant role in your overall facial aesthetics, and a missing tooth can affect your self-confidence. 

By preserving your natural tooth, you avoid the need for dental implants, bridges, or dentures, which can sometimes alter the appearance of your smile. Dr. Wilcox and our team do their best to save your natural smile whenever possible. 

2. Protection against excess wear

Your natural teeth are designed to withstand the forces of biting and chewing. Saving a damaged tooth helps distribute these forces evenly, preventing strain on neighboring teeth while keeping your natural appearance.

Dental implants are a great tooth replacement option, but these prosthetics are harder and less flexible than natural teeth. When you choose to save a damaged tooth, you protect your remaining natural teeth from excessive wear that can occur with dental implants. 

3. Keep the feel of a natural bite

Another reason to save your damaged tooth is to keep the natural biting sensation that comes with having your own teeth. 

Your teeth have a unique structure that allows for efficient biting and chewing. When you save a damaged tooth, you preserve the natural alignment between your upper and lower teeth, ensuring a more comfortable and functional bite. 

4. Chew effectively and comfortably

Did you know efficient, effective chewing plays a key role in digestion and your overall oral health? Your natural teeth are designed to break down food efficiently, aiding in the digestive process and ensuring optimal nutrient absorption. 

By saving a damaged tooth, you retain the ability to chew effectively. In addition, you can enjoy a wide variety of foods without discomfort or difficulty, making it easier to stay on top of your oral and overall health.

How endodontics helps save your natural teeth

Endodontics, a specialized branch of dentistry, focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions that affect the dental pulp and root canals of your teeth. With advanced endodontic treatments, it’s possible to save damaged or infected teeth that would otherwise require extraction. 

Here’s a closer look at some of the ways endodontic treatments can help save a damaged tooth.

Root canal

A root canal is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected or damaged dental pulp from your tooth's interior. We clean and disinfect the root canal, then seal it to prevent reinfection. 

A root canal procedure can effectively save your tooth from extraction and provide long-term dental preservation.


In some cases, when a root canal isn’t sufficient, Dr. Wilcox may recommend an apicoectomy. This procedure involves removing the tip of your tooth’s root and sealing it to prevent further infection. We typically perform apicoectomies alongside a root canal.

Dental trauma management

Endodontists like Dr. Wilcox are specially trained to handle dental trauma cases where teeth have been severely damaged due to accidents or injuries. He can assess the extent of the damage and provide appropriate treatments to save your affected teeth whenever possible.

Not all damaged teeth can be saved, but if your damaged tooth can’t be saved, rest assured that Dr. Wilcox offers effective solutions to address your dental needs, such as crowns, implants, and dentures. 

Learn more about the importance of saving damaged teeth by scheduling a comprehensive consultation with Dr. Wilcox at our Butte, Montana, office.

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