How Safe Is Oral Sedation for Dental Work?

How Safe Is Oral Sedation for Dental Work?

Even though modern procedures are sterile and safe, dental work can be nerve-wracking to think about. In fact, up to 20% of Americans experience dental anxiety. Fortunately, oral sedation can often soothe this anxiety.

If you’re worried about the safety of oral sedation, Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, and our team are here to help. We want all of our patients at our office in Butte, Montana, to understand the safety involved when we use oral sedation for dental work. 

Dr. Wilcox uses different forms of this medication to ensure you are calm and prepared for a successful procedure.

The right type of oral sedation for you depends on multiple factors, such as your level of anxiety, the dental procedure(s) you’re in for, your medical history, and your tolerance for pain. 

Many of our patients wonder about the safety of oral sedation. We’ve put together this guide to help you feel more comfortable with oral sedation and to provide you with answers to any questions you may have.

Are anti-anxiety medications safe to take before dental work?

In some cases, Dr. Wilcox prescribes an anti-anxiety medication to take prior to your procedure. Options for anti-anxiety medications include diazepam or temazepam, which bind with the receptors in your brain that are responsible for fear and calm down brain activity in that region. 

This decreases your anxiety and allows you to relax enough to keep your appointment.

These medications should not be mixed with other drugs and alcohol, so make sure you give Dr. Wilcox your full medical history. Anti-anxiety medications are safe to take but can cause side effects such as drowsiness and low blood pressure. 

To ensure your safety, arrange for a ride to and from your procedure if you take one of these medications. 

How does nitrous oxide affect my procedure?

Nitrous oxide is a colorless and odorless gas that helps keep you relaxed while you’re having dental work. It slows your physical reaction time, giving you a sensation of calmness. 

When used properly by a trained dental professional like Dr. Wilcox, this minimal form of sedation is harmless and has no side effects. Additionally, it wears off quickly so you can drive to and from your procedure. 

What is enteral sedation?

Enteral sedation is a combined approach that uses both oral sedative medication (anti-anxiety medicine) with nitrous oxide. Dr. Wilcox also uses local anesthetics to ensure you don’t feel any pain during your procedure. This combination of sedation types helps you stay relaxed. 

Enteral sedation is a safe combination of sedatives when administered by a trained professional like Dr. Wilcox. The side effects of enteral sedation are the same as those of the anti-anxiety medications. 

Though the nitrous oxide wears off quickly, you must arrange for a ride to and from your appointment due to the use of oral medications. 

Is intravenous sedation safe?

If your dental anxiety is severe, Dr. Wilcox may recommend intravenous (IV) sedation. This puts you to sleep for your procedure, and since the medications used are strong and directly enter your bloodstream, the effects are quick.  

IV sedation is generally safe and effective when administered by a trained professional, but there are side effects. Grogginess or drowsiness once you wake up is the most noticeable side effect, and others include headaches, dizziness, and nausea. 

You must have someone drive you home after IV sedation. You should also plan to rest for a few hours after the procedure while the medication wears off. 

Note: While IV sedation is generally safe, some people have serious reactions. These are rare, but you should seek medical help if you notice any of the following symptoms: difficulty breathing, rapid or irregular heartbeat, fainting, severe skin irritation, and nausea that doesn’t improve after a few hours. 

If you’d like to learn more about oral sedation and any safety concerns you may have, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact us at our Butte, Montana, office today.

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