How to Take Care of Your Veneers

Dental veneers are thin porcelain shells made to conceal the front surface of your teeth. To ensure a flawless fit, each veneer is custom-fit and bound to each individual tooth. Getting veneers is a quick, painless process, and the results can last decades.    

That’s why we at the private dental practice of Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, in Butte, Montana, offer veneers as part of our comprehensive dental services

Dr. Wilcox finds that many of our patients want to resolve more than one cosmetic flaw, like whitening and straightening. Veneers offer an effective solution because they can fix several dental problems at one time. 

If you take good care of your veneers, they stay looking bright, white, and new as long as possible. Here’s a look at our top tips for caring for your dental veneers. 

Practice oral hygiene

Just as you would with your natural teeth, practicing good oral hygiene is one of the best ways to care for your veneers. Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once to prevent tooth decay and receding gums. These issues can cause your veneers to chip or become detached.  

Use the right dental care tools

Dr. Wilcox customizes your veneers with the right color and sheen for your smile. Using a hard toothbrush and abrasive toothpaste can damage the surface of your veneers, making it easier for stains to set in. 

Opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid using whitening toothpaste or using at-home methods of tooth cleaning (e.g., baking soda or hydrogen peroxide). Instead, look for a gentle toothpaste that’s recommended for veneers. Dr. Wilcox can provide information about this based on your needs. 

Practice oral mindfulness

Veneers are extremely durable, but just like your natural teeth, they can chip and crack. You can’t prevent injury, but by being mindful of what you put in your mouth, you can reduce your risk of these veneer issues. 

Avoid biting hard objects with your teeth, like bottle caps, pens, hard foods (e.g., bones or hard candy). And if you bite your nails, try to stop. 

While veneers resist stains better than your natural teeth, the areas where your veneers attach to your teeth can stain.  Avoid foods and beverages that are more likely to stain. These include:

If you do indulge, brush your teeth as soon as possible. 

Use a night guard if you grind

Grinding your teeth causes a host of dental problems, including wearing down your teeth unevenly. In fact, tooth grinding may be part of the reason you need veneers in the first place. 

Talk to Dr. Wilcox about a custom night guard or use an over-the-counter alternative to help keep your veneers looking new, alleviate jaw pain, and prevent other dental problems.  

Get regular dental care

Regular dental care not only helps keep your veneers in shape, but it’s also one of the best things you can do for your overall dental health. Dr. Wilcox recommends scheduling a checkup and cleaning every six months to keep your gums and teeth (including your veneers) healthy.

Regular dental care also gives Dr. Wilcox a chance to monitor for any issues that may arise with your veneers, like cracks, stains, and chips. Then he can remedy the problem sooner and prevent any complications or decay of the underlying tooth. 

Learn more about dental veneers and how to take care of them by scheduling an appointment today at the office of Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, in Butte, Montana.

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