When to Consider Oral Sedation Before Dental Work

At his private practice, Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, and our team strive to put every patient at ease — before, during, and after dental work. But for some of our patients, even the most compassionate care isn’t enough. 

That’s where oral sedation comes in. 

With oral sedation, we use medication to help our patients relax when they sit in the dentist’s chair. The medication we use depends on the procedure you’re having done and your level of anxiety. Types of dental sedation include:

Administering oral sedation requires a medical understanding of how it works, who is a candidate, and which type of sedation medication to use. Dr. Wilcox is an experienced and highly trained oral sedation specialist, so you can rest easy knowing he has your health top of mind.

Not everyone requires oral sedation every time they visit the dentist’s office. Here are the top three things to consider for oral sedation before dental work. 

You have a fear of the dentist or dentistry

Are you a little intimidated by a trip to the dentist? You’re not alone. Many of our patients have dental anxiety. In fact, 9-20% of Americans miss dental appointments because of anxiety or fear.

No matter the cause of your dental anxiety, being afraid can make any dental visit something to dread. 

Other people have an intense gag reflex that makes dental appointments challenging and uncomfortable. Sometimes the thought of your sensitive gag reflex being triggered is enough to cause dental anxiety. Both anxiety and a strong gag reflex are good reasons to use oral sedation.

You need an extensive procedure or more than one procedure 

If Dr. Wilcox tells you that you need an extensive amount of dental work, or if you choose to have multiple cosmetic procedures done, using oral sedation can help us complete the procedures in the same visit. 

You’re especially sensitive

Everyone experiences pain, but some people are more sensitive than others, feeling pain where others feel mild discomfort. Some people even experience pain due to the sounds dental equipment can make.

If this describes you, it makes sense to consider oral sedation before dental work. Dr. Wilcox wants you to be as comfortable and pain-free as possible when coming in for exams and procedures.  

Learn more about oral sedation and whether it’s right for you by contacting our care team today at the office of Robert F. Wilcox, DMD, in Butte, Montana.

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